2023 Conference Resources

Event (Central timezone) Video Resources
2:00 PM - Plenary 1 with Kevin KlingWatch
4:00 PM - A-11 What is a Thimble-Sized Capital Campaign? - John ClarkWatch Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
4:00 PM - A-12 Leveraging Modern Tools to Increase Giving and Volunteering - Robert Driver-BishopWatch Presentation
7:00 PM - Opening Worship with Margaret FoxWatch Bulletin
9:00 AM - Plenary 2 with Anthony BaileyWatchPresentation
10:45 AM - B-21 Is it Wrong to be Rich? - Sherry KenneyWatchPresentation
10:45 AM B-22 You want me to donate? Why? Building blocks for an impactful appeal - Peter ReussWatchPresentation
1:30 PM - Plenary 3 with Kim Dawsey-RichardsonWatchPresentation
3:15 PM - C-31 Data Driven Practices for Engaging Your Existing and Potential Donors - Meredith McNabbWatchPresentation
3:15 PM - C-32 Stewardship After the Gift - Mark Stauffer & Joseph MooreWatchPresentation
9:00 AM - D-41 Dying Generously? Planned Giving as Ministry - Mike KlinefelterWatchPresentation
9:00 AM - D-42 Powerful Strategies to Maximize Year-End Giving - Kristine MillerWatch Presentation
10:30 AM - Plenary 4 with Victor AloyoWatch Presentation
11:45 AM - Closing Worship with Angela KhabebWatch Presentation

Workshop Resources

A-13 Care and Safety on Your Campus - Glenn Sanders SK23 A-13 Security Guide SK23 A-13 Six Security Steps SK23 A-13 Perimeter Security

A-14 The Future of Giving: Using Storytelling to Inspire Generosity in Your Congregation and Community - Abby Bergman SK23 A-14

A-15 When Mission and Politics Collide - Jon Buuck, Karla Leitzman, Nathan Lundgren

A-16 From Passover to Sukkot - John Eggen SK23 A-16

A-17 Developing a Liturgy of Abundance - Kendal Land SK23 A-17

A-18 Everyone Leaves a Legacy - Jake Wilson and Stefanie Marsden SK23 A-18

B-23 Training Church Treasurers - Edd Breeden SK23 B-23

B-24 What your have learned is as important as what you have earned: steps to compose an ethical will - Rob Hagan SK23 B-24

B-25 Restoring Creation to our Church Buildings - Clare Lewis SK23 B-25

B-26 Interfaith Lessons for Planned Giving Leaders - James Murphy SK23 B-26

B-27 Transformative Stewardship: A Joy Filled Journey Part 1 - Joshua Robinson SK23 B-27

B- 28 Building Resilience: Empowering Tools for Reducing Burnout, Stress, and Trauma as Close as Your Own Hands - Judy Slater SK23 B-28

B-29 Singing Stewardship - Justin Spurlock and Bill Davis SK23 B-29

B-30 Storytelling for All Generations - Richard Young, Stefanie Marsden, and Jake Wilson SK23 B-30

C-33 Generosity in Smaller Congregations - Mary Beene SK23 C-33

C-34 Financial Stewardship: Investing Tips for Churches - Jacqueline Boersema and Pete Maher SK23 C-34

C-35 Gospel & Money - Brian Coulter SK23 C-35

C-36 What's Trending: Stewardship Strategies that Anyone Can Pull Off - Kelsey Crouch-Dodson SK23 C-36

C- 37 Planned Giving Adventure Quest: SIMulator Game - Karl Mattison

C-38 Taking the Sting Out of Asking (for Money) - Rose Niles SK23 C-38

C-39 Transformative Stewardship: A Joy Filled Journey Part 2 -Joshua Robinson SK23 C-39

D-43 Selling Stewardship: The Marketing Lens to Get the Congregation on Board - Carson Brown SK23 D-43

D-44 Capital Campaigning for Good - Tim Hart-Andersen SK23 D-44

D-45 Mission+Vision+Values=Investment - Brad Masters SK23 D-45

D-46 Behind the Scenes of Successful Stewardship - Gail Monsma SK23 D-46 SK23 D-46 Health Communications SK23 D-46 Healthy Church SK23 D-46 Job Description Ruling Elders SK23 D-46 PASTOR SELF-ASSESSMENT SK23 D-46 Tolerating Bad Behavior SK23 D-46 SK23 D-46 Ethical Behavior SK23 D-46 Faithful Together in Disagreement SK23 D-46 Good Committee

D-47 Funding Forward - Grace Pomroy SK23 D-47

D-48 A Theology of Thankfulness: Making Grateful Disciples - Kyle Nolan SK23 D-48

D-49 When the money story we tell ourselves gets in the way of effective fundraising - Mieke Vandersall and Erin Weber-Johnson SK23 D-49

Participant Lists

Only those registered who have given permission to include their name are listed on the participant list. This list should be used only to connect with colleagues and to keep in touch after the event. This list may not be used for solicitation purposes.

In-Person Participant List (303 in-person registrants with 275 giving permission to be on the participant list) 

Virtual Participant List (94 virtual registrants with 73 giving permission to be on the participant list)