In-Person attendees will pick 1 workshop from each block to attend in-person.
A-11, A-12, B-11, B-12, C-11, C-12, D-11, and D-12 will be live-streamed for online participants and the recordings will be available to all in-person and virtual participants.
Workshop Block A: Monday 4:00 PM
A-11 Selling Stewardship: the Marketing Lens to Get the Congregation on Board - You’ve spent months preparing a great stewardship plan with strong objectives and a meaningful purpose. Now, you just need to get the church on board. Learn specific communication tips to make the campaign accessible to your congregation, encounter easy and user-friendly marketing tools and strategies that go beyond sermons and bulletin inserts, and uncover the gaps in communication that can sabotage your campaign from the start. - Carson Brown; First Presbyterian Church, Bonita Springs
A-12 Narrative Budgets: Telling the Story Behind Each Line Item - Some things are easier to fund than others. The local homeless shelter seems more in line for what Jesus calls us to give to than lights, floor wax, and water bills. And yet, even these "less attractive" line items help tell the story of the church's mission in the world today. This workshop will introduce Narrative Budgets, show examples of multiple ways this tool can be used in a variety of contexts, and walk through what putting together one in your church could look like! Lay and clergy members will find helpful tools for ministries of all sizes. - Lexy Steinle; Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND
A-13 H. O. P. E. Shots: Hearing Other People's Experiences - Transforming quiet congregations into communities infected with excitement about generosity, abundance, faith, sharing and testifying! Built upon her experience in 12 step recovery, Pastor Foster will help servant leaders (pastors or layity) imagine how consistent practices of faith can transform entire communities. Recovery from fear, scarcity and hoarding is possible. - Katrina Foster; St. John's Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, NY
A-14 Purple Church, Red State: Navigating Stewardship in an Age of Polarization - This workshop will be a discussion on how our purple church in a deep red state navigates conversations about stewardship and other topics in a deeply polarized time. We will talk about strategies for engagement around challenging topics. I will include outlines for sermon series about stewardship based on the Revised Common Lectionary as well as an outline and discussion of a sermon series entitled "Building the Beloved Community in an age of polarization" based on the Narrative Lectionary that was used in the lead up to the 2024 election. This workshop is geared towards pastors, elders, and church members from congregations of any size who are interested in finding common ground in this difficult time. - Greg Allen-Pickett; First Presbyterian Church, Hastings, Nebraska
A-15 Sustainable Shared Ministry for Congregational Growth - This workshop is for pastors, church staff, and members who want to see their church flourish. We will explore: --Sustainable Ministry: Learn practical approaches to ensure your ministry efforts are long-lasting and impactful. --Shared Ministry: Discover how to empower and equip pastors and members to contribute their gifts and talents to the life of the congregation. --Congregational Growth: Develop strategies to attract/retain new members, fostering a thriving faith community. - Jerry Cannon; The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
A-16 What is a DIY Thimble-Sized (mini) Campaign? - A DIY Thimble-sized (mini) Campaign provides an opportunity for members/friends of the congregation to make a one-time financial gift in support of a specific project, immediate need, or ministry - different from those covered in a large-scale capital campaign. This workshop will provide the training and specific resources needed to conduct such a campaign. You'll leave with everything you need! This workshop is designed for clergy, lay, and all sizes of congregations. The content focuses on fundraising opportunities in-between annual appeals and capital campaigns. - John Clark; The James Company
A-17 Maximizing Your Money: Investing with Confidence for the Glory of God - Conventional "wisdom" tells us that investors should be "aggressive" when they are young and "conservative" as they approach retirement, turning to bonds, annuities, and CDs to protect their money. This is anti-biblical and unwise. In the parable of the talents, Jesus praises the servants who double their money and condemns the one who protects it. In this workshop, Freeman Linde, CFP®, EA, teaches a better Biblical strategy for confidently maximizing your money and impact. - Freeman Linde; La Crosse Financial Planning
A-18 Fields of Green: Unlocking Ministry Potential through Asset Stewardship - Mark’s account of feeding the 5,000 offers a lesson in perspective: while the disciples saw scarcity in a deserted place, Jesus saw abundance on green grass. This workshop invites congregations to rethink their buildings and campuses as assets for ministry, not liabilities. Sharing stories of various congregations, this workshop will offer practical strategies for churches on how they can use their space to serve the wider community, generate revenue, and expand mission impact - Steve Lindsley; Trinity Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
A-19 Small Church, Big Impact - How can small churches make a big impact in the world with limited budget? By looking at their resources, including their spiritual gifts, and creating a plan which capitalizes on talents and treasures already in place! Describing the way that the presenter's church turned a deficit budget into a thriving community by hosting a summer festival (and involving lots of sweat equity), this workshop will help attendees think outside the box to balance the budget in a sustainable way while building relationships and serving others. This workshop is suitable for clergy or laity and is not denomination-specific. - Katina Sharp; Powell Presbyterian Church, Powell, TN
Workshop Block B: Tuesday 10:45 AM
B-11 Planned Giving 101: The Basics - This workshop is a basic overview of planned giving. What is planned giving? How big is the opportunity? How hard is it to have a program? We will walk together through a very simple and effective program, and we will conclude with the right resources at your fingertips. - Karl Mattison; Presbyterian Foundation
B-12 Tales from the Trails (Stewardship for All Seasons and Reasons) - Four case studies focused on stewardship/generosity that illustrate problems and solutions encountered in all sized congregations. This participatory workshop will allow participants the opportunity to present unique situations that might occur in their local church and seek suggestions to overcome those obstacles. The case studies are actual examples that have come from Rick Young's experience on the road for the past 13 years. - Rick Young; Texas Presbyterian Foundation
B-13 Lessons from the Least: Engaging Presbyterians in the Strategic Work of Eradicating Poverty through the Ministry of the Presbyterian Committee on the Self Development of People - Through the engaged work of the Presbyterian Committee of the Self-Development of People (SDOP), this interactive workshop will provide participants with missional, theological and practical strategies centered around networking and community organizing to create and leverage congregational/communal power in engaging intersectional, anti-poverty issues in the local church and community. Inspired by 50 year-plus work in diverse communities and PC(USA) policies about poverty, the workshop is also designed to encourage relationship, networking and community building strategies to engage in anti-poverty work. As SCOP is a One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) recipient, the workshop will also provide stories of how OGHS giving benefits communities through the work of SDOP and are also designed to create greater awareness and understanding of SDOP's anti-poverty work in communities and Mid-councils. - Alonzo Johnson; Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People
B-14 Creating a Secure Church: Active Intruder Preparedness & De-escalation - This workshop will discuss protecting your ministry and congregants from those who would cause harm. The workshop will address safety tips and suggestions to consider, to protect your ministry and congregants. It will also discuss immediate next steps your ministry should consider in an active threat event. To learn more about protecting your ministry visit Our Insurance Serves You, So You Can Serve God - Chad Cunningham; Insurance Board
B-15 You're the Team: Annual Stewardship in a Small Church - There is the ideal and then there is the real when it comes to stewardship in small churches. How can you build an effective and impactful annual stewardship plan if you are a team of one or two? Most churches today have fewer than 100 members, and that means that there aren't enough people to build robust teams for needed activities. This doesn't mean you can't be effective or that you have to work 80 hours a week. In this workshop we will actively build an annual stewardship plan, complete with scriptural theme, invitation letter, and regular inspirational messaging to use throughout the year. Come ready to work - leave with your stewardship plan complete! - Maggie Harmon; First Presbyterian Church, Oakland, CA
B-16 5 Superpowers that Every Great Financial Advisor Should Have - Choosing an investment professional that meets the needs and values of your congregation or ministry can be challenging. This workshop will give you practical tools to help you select the right financial partner for your investment needs. - Brad Masters, James Carey; New Covenant Trust
B-17 Practicing Incarnational Ministry: Leading Congregations in Stewardship by Meeting People Where They Are - The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood (John 1:14, The Message). The ability to lead is forged in relationships. In this workshop we will explore practices of meeting people where they are in order to move forward in a mutual vision of following Jesus Christ. For clergy and other leaders, there is a gap between their beliefs and those within congregations. Leaders can get caught in the struggle of being true to their theology, worrying about offending people, losing members, and the survival of their congregations, and even their jobs. We will talk about and have materials about an incarnational model of leadership in both discipleship and mission. We will look at how to help congregations live into a deeper and broader theology through a myriad of ways including preaching, teaching, community engagement, and of course, talking about money honestly. Participants will look at various practices together in how to move churches forward in a changing Church and culture of theology, mission, and stewardship. We look forward to a vibrant conversation and learning together! - Gail Monsma, Laurie Hartzell; Presbyterian Foundation
B-18 Why Give? And Why Give through our Church? - Americans report that two-thirds of their giving is spiritually motivated, but only 35% is given through their churches. As church leaders, we must answer two primary questions in the minds of our givers. Why Give? And Why Give Through Our Church? This resource-heavy workshop focuses on equipping you to answer these questions effectively. You will leave understanding the importance of a carefully crafted Theology of Generosity/What We Believe About Giving (Why Give) and Case for Support (Why a giver should invest the time, talent, and financial resources they are entrusted to steward through your Church) and all the resources you will need to develop and use them in your unique ministry setting. - Joe Park; Horizons Stewardship
B-19 Stewards of Your History - Join the Presbyterian Historical Society to learn how to steward your history, and how we can help. Learn from PHS staff about how your congregation’s history fits into the archives' great cloud of witnesses. Hear about the steps churches like yours have already taken to steward their history. Discover how to safeguard your essential records from external threats like climate change. And learn about your national archives’ efforts to intentionally diversify the written record. This session is most fruitful for PC(USA) congregations, but offers learnings applicable to anyone who keeps a church’s legacy. - David Staniunas, Luci Duckson-Bramble; Presbyterian Historical Society
Workshop Block C: Tuesday 3:15 PM
C-12 Faith & Money: Expanding the Conversation - Is giving the only expression of faithful stewardship? If Christians on average give away just over 2% of their income, how might God be calling them to faithfully manage the other 98%? In this workshop, we'll explore how good stewards might bring their faith into all areas of their financial lives including the ways we spend, save, and earn money. In this highly engaging workshop, we'll engage in spiritual practices together and dwell in scripture. Clergy and lay, those with finance experience and those without - all are welcome! - Grace Pomroy; Luther Seminary
C-13 The Practice of Religious Fundraising - This workshop will help participants embrace the work of fundraising as an element of religious leadership, and equip ourselves for effective practice as religious fundraisers - putting tools into our toolkits telling effective stories and inviting others to join in the mission of our work through their generosity - David King; Lake Institute on Faith & Giving
C-14 Preaching Stewardship to Skeptics and Cynics - Corey Nelson is the Pastor of a congregation that had previously experienced financial distress and was uncomfortable hearing about "money" from the pulpit in worship. In this workshop, Corey will share sermon outlines and companion communication materials that help expand the conversation towards a holistic understanding of stewardship, generosity, and strategic philanthropy. Resources will be provided to the participants. - Corey Nelson; First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins, CO
C-15 Configuring Clergy Compensation for Tax Benefits - This course is helpful for treasurers, board members, and clergy of any sized congregation to understand the nuances of clergy compensation in a way that minimizes taxes and maximizes current and future benefits for the minister and the church. All ideas use the legal provisions in the law to help ease the financial struggles of clergy and churches. - Edd Breeden; Presbytery of San Jose, CA
C-16 Generosity in Congregations of Color - Congregational stewardship is rapidly evolving as numbers decrease and opportunities for faithful and needed ministry rapidly increase. Join us as we share helpful information on the status of congregations of color, often our denominations’ most vulnerable churches, share best practices gleaned from our travels around the country building relationships with these congregations, and provide training tools on how you might share in financial leadership with these congregations as a pastor, leader, or judicatory partner. - Lemuel Garcia-Arroyo, Wilson Kennedy; Mission Engagement & Support, Presbyterian Church (USA)
C-17 Legacy Gifts: You Can't Sit on a Two-Legged Stewardship Stool - We are all familiar with the three-legged financial stewardship stool when we speak of short and long term sustainability for congregations. Yet, legacy gifts are conspicuously absent from annual emphases, webpages, newsletters, etc. This workshop will forcus on getting started on establishing an active legacy gift program for any size congregation, covering basic documents such as gift acceptance and endowment policies, resources for your website, newsletters, language. Templates and instructions will be provided and/or made available online. This workshop is for pastors, lay leaders, any size congregation, and basic content. While the resources mentioned are available at the ELCA Foundation website, they are downloadable and easy to adapt to specific denominations. - Ana Lugo; ELCA Foundation
C-18 Marketing is Not a Bad Word; Getting the Stewardship Message Across - We sometimes cringe when we hear the words marketing and church combined, but we need to adjust our thinking and realize the importance of getting our message out in ways that are accessible and reach all generations. Strategies will be shared to address the different age groups, styles of messaging and opportunities to stretch your church's reach. This interactive workshop will offer participants to ask specific questions pertaining to their congregation - Stefanie Marsden, Kristi Posewitz; Texas Presbyterian Foundation
C-19 Ladder of Effectiveness: Building a Communication Strategy for Stewardship - How do we communicate stewardship in ways that inspire generosity, deepen engagement, and build lasting relationships? Whether you’re reaching an entire congregation, a specific ministry group, or a single major donor, an effective communication strategy makes all the difference. This session is designed for pastors, deacons, stewardship leaders, and laypeople in congregations of all sizes who want to strengthen their approach to stewardship messaging. We will explore how to craft compelling narratives, tailor messages to different audiences, and use the “Ladder of Effectiveness” to maximize impact. Participants will leave with practical tools to enhance their stewardship communication, from broad congregational appeals to one-on-one donor conversations. - Dan Potaznick; ELCA Grand Canyon Synod
Workshop Block D: Wednesday 9:00 AM
D-12 How Well Do You Know Your Congregation's Giving Specifics? - In this interactive session for experienced church stewardship leaders, we will discuss how church leaders can analyze giving patterns across their congregation, to include giving participation and magnitude of generosity. We will review how and when to conduct a study and consider implications for inspiring more robust giving from various cohorts within the community. We will also compare members’ generosity to the church to broader giving habits by persons living in the church’s neighborhood - Paul Grier; Presbyterian Foundation
D-13 Missional Ministry in Your Own Backyard - The church is called to be stewards of God's mission. What does this look like when we see our own backyard as the mission field? This workshop provides a framework for congregations seeking new ways to engage in ministry with your neighbors. How might community-based, relational ministry strengthen missional stewardship? Steps toward developing a signature community ministry will be explored, using the example of a small Presbyterian congregation in Harvey, LA that birthed a new ministry, "Be Well-Come Together." What are some lessons learned? How might these lessons translate to the neighborhood mission field of your congregation? - Jean Marie Peacock; Presbytery of South Louisiana
D-14 Stewardship in the Conntext of Congregational Commitments - A pastor has numerous opportunities to refer to or address the congregation. Why not use a holistic approach during many such occasions? For ex., when a congregation describes itself in terms of core commitments, stewardship is placed on the same playing field as other activities. Who are we in this congregation? 1) We worship. 2) We learn about our faith. 3) We support Christ's work financially. 4) We invite others to our services and activities. 5) We volunteer in a ministry. 6) We work and pray for peace and justice. Rev. Dewey Johnson, who is a veteran of the core commitment approach, will present. - Dewey Johnson; Sandia Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque, NM
D-15 How to Survive a Church Capital Project 2.0 - Building projects create excitement as congregations envision new and creative ministry possibilities. Along with the excitement comes anxiety. Is this the right time for our congregation to consider this project? How do we get started? Can we really afford a project of this size? How will we pay for the project? Will this affect our ministry budget? Clergy and lay leaders will learn best practices for successfully navigating church construction projects of all sizes. - Clare Lewis; Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program
D-16 Stewardship After the Gift - Who should be involved in financial management? How to manage memorial, restricted, and endowed gifts? What controls should be in place to prevent fraud? Come learn about financial record management options and resources and why they are important from a pastor with stories and a finance/audit professional. - Joseph Moore, Mark Stauffer; Presbyterian Foundation; Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Encinitas, CA
D-17 Alternate Funding Opportunities for Churches - Case Study of Successful Implementation of a Building Renovation Project with Funding from Alternate Resources - Case Study of alternate funding approval for Restoration/ Security Enhancement of Doors and Windows of 150 year old Historical Sanctuary Building of First Presbyterian Church, Pueblo, Colorado. The funding was obtained as a Nonprofit Security Grant Program from Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. The rehabilitation specifications were developed by an Architect specializing in Historical Structures, with a grant From Colorado Historical Society. The case study discusses successful methods adopted by the First Presbyterian Church to obtain these grants. - Britto Rajkumar; First Presbyterian Church, Pueblo, CO
D-18 Beyond the Appeals: 10 Steps to Success for Generosity - While annual, special, and capital appeals play a vital role in inviting generosity, they are only a part of a comprehensive generosity/stewardship process. How is your vestry/board doing? What plans do you have for the future? How do you you’re your story? This workshop will walk through ten steps to success that lay the groundwork for robust annual appeals and capital campaigns. These apply not only to congregations of all sizes, but to other non-profit agencies as well. Participants will also consider where organizations might look for support with each step. - Peter Reuss; GSB Fundraising
D-19 Inspire Generosity and Strengthen Connections Through Storytelling - Explore the heart of generosity and discover how powerful storytelling can deepen donor relationships and amplify the impact of giving. Learn proven strategies used by thousands of Vanco churches to nurture a culture of generosity and gain actionable insights to increase support for your mission. Walk away with practical storytelling techniques that can inspire more consistent giving and set the foundation for a more engaged and generous congregation. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of storytelling for a more impactful giving experience! - Kayla Trettel; Vanco